YWE #Solveathon Insights Report

YWE #Solveathon Insights Report

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Right now, perhaps more than ever in the Energy industry’s history, it is critical that we have the best possible minds and hands working to solve its most crucial, most human, and most time-sensitive problems. We know that today’s competitiveness and the future of this industry require nothing less.

Inspired by growing concern both inside and outside the sector regarding the lack of progress being made to diversify the energy sector’s workforce, Young Women in Energy (YWE) sought answers through its inaugural 2018 YWE Summit in Kananaskis, Alberta, on November 1, 2018. In advance, YWE members contributed their perspectives about the challenges facing women in the sector and on the sector at large in a survey. They also shared thoughts on the opportunities they see for the sector and for women’s contributions. These responses helped to shape the opportunity pursued during the conference in an innovative Women’s Work Institute #solveathon.

Respondents identified important opportunities to advance the energy industry by fully leveraging women’s talent, ideas, and careers. Many of the key strategies are connected, and, there is a need to build a more nuanced energy-sector specific business case. It seems clear that a key blind spot to industry success is seeing the connection between women’s potential contributions and the sector’s more prosperous future, in the minds of industry leaders and grassroots stakeholders alike.

The #Solveathon Insights Report offers Women’s Work Institute’s findings from the survey and the #solveathon strategic design event and includes participants’ perceptions of:

• Current challenges for young women working in the Energy sector

• Underlying root causes for those challenges

• Proposed solutions that industry leaders, men and women alike, can begin acting on today