STEMM #Solveathon Insights Report

STEMM #Solveathon Insights Report

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This October, Women’s Work Institute facilitated an equality #solveathon with delegates at the STEMM Equality Congress in Amsterdam.

The pre-#solveathon survey explored the roles, goals, challenges, and opportunities of equality champions in STEMM. The survey revealed that, although respondents have complex equality-building mandates in their organizations, they hold shared priorities.

The survey also presented probing questions designed to reveal what respondents believe are the primary challenges they face advancing their mandate. Several contributing factors emerged thematically in the responses and comments submitted.

Furthermore, the survey prompted respondents to explain where they see high value opportunities to increase effectiveness at pursuing and achieving their mandate as equality champions in STEMM. Survey responses revealed the assets respondents feel they have, the hurdles they are facing, and their goals. The Women's Work Institute team translated the themes from the survey responses into three tangible opportunities that global equality champions working in STEMM have to enhance effectiveness on their shared mandate.

This Insights Report includes nine tactical solutions to advance women generally, and racialized women, specifically, in STEMM.