not unconscious bias training

what is it?

“Not Unconscious Bias Training” is for the organization that understands that unconscious bias training doesn’t train the bias out of anyone, and that wants to get real impact from increasing equity.


This intensive, 3-hour skill-building program teaches your people a system of critical thinking about the inequities that exist in our teams, sectors, and communities.

We teach your team:

  • that there is a business case for equity, diversity, and inclusion that is unique to your business.

  • to ask themselves a set of focused questions they can apply individually and collectively when they are making key decisions and designing products or services, etc.

  • to identify current and emerging equity challenges that might be present in your organization and its thinking.


We don’t train on unconscious bias because it doesn’t lead to less biased behaviour or decision-making. Here’s why.

We don't train on particular dimensions of diversity because of how dynamic dimensions of diversity really are. There's no correct description of an individual's experience of race, for example. We prefer to teach our participants how biases creep into our decision-making and reduces the positive potential impact of their ventures.

We equip teams with the tools to ask themselves the right set of critical questions again and again and to get curious about defining their own right set of questions for the environment in which they work.

facilitation fee: $4,500 CAD*

*pricing does not include applicable taxes, travel, expenses.


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