what is it?

CAMP-E[quality] is a groundbreaking initiative for leaders responsible for building more equitable organizations.


This intensive, 4-week skill-building program teaches you the strategic design #solveathon methodology and delivers research-based best-practice and case-studies equipping you to:

  • identify an organization-specific opportunity to advance equity (in recruitment, hiring, promotions, representation, etc.)

  • design a pilot project that addresses a systems and/or process change


Besides you… You will join a peer cohort who will support you in your journey, you will have access to one-on-one coaching calls, and you will learn directly (and indirectly) from exceptional professionals who are change-makers and thought-leaders in their own right and advancing toward the next frontier in equity, diversity and inclusion.

next cohort launches fall 2019

Want to be the first in the know when applications for CAMP-E open? Sneak peek access to case study content and facilitator profiles can be delivered to your inbox along with opportunities to win free consultations with curriculum contributors when you sign up for our CAMP-E Community Notices.

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Be part of the magic!

Do you know someone who is making waves in the equity, diversity and inclusion space? Someone who is known to be a disrupter in her field, organization or profession? Maybe you’re that person?

We want to meet! Book a call today for the chance to receive 25% off the fall cohort of CAMP-E, to redeem for yourself or gift to someone else.